Our Books
Explore our carefully curated collection of books about hunting dogs and outdoor life.
FEISTY LITTLE POINTING DOG – A Celebration of the Brittany
An Anthology Compiled & Edited by David Webb – Soft Cover
Most of the authors are legends of outdoor writing, including Ben O. Williams, Charley Waterman, Michael MacIntosh, Stephen Mulak and Bill McClure. Anyone with a passing interest in the delightful Brittany will find hours of pleasure between these covers.
EMPTY COLLARS – A Tribute To The Memory Of Our Gun Dogs
An Anthology Compiled & Edited by David Webb – Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
In this book has been gathered some of the finest writing about the ownership of gun dogs and their immutable bond with us. Contributors include Joe Arnette, George B. Evans, Robert F. Jones, Bill McClure, and Bill Tarrant. This anthology is a must for any gun dog owner.
THE BRITTANY – Amateurs Training with Professionals
Co-Authored by Martha Greelee and David Webb – Soft Cover, 2nd Edition
“This book has been needed for years. For some reason people have a hard time understanding this type of training, but the dogs understand it better than any other method. This book is great. Just think of all the dogs that are going to be helped. – Quote by Mo Lindley, Professional Pointing Dog Trainer, Lindley Kennels, SC”
Co-Authored by Martha Greenlee and David Webb – Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
Stories in this book explore the connection between dogs and their owner - handler; the attachment is undeniable. This special collection includes a wide range of stories, dating from the early 1930's through 2005 with very personal anecdotes that are sure to touch the reader.
TRAINING WITH MO – Maurice Lindley Trains Pointing Dogs
By Martha Greenlee – Soft Cover, Standard 6"x9"
“Whether training for hunting or field trialing, this book is a must-read for those serious about dog training. This individualized progress approach allows for the dog to be happier and more confident. Using techniques in this book, final product is a bird dog that has good manners, is obedient, and cooperative and works as a team with his handler. – Sebastian Ventura, Amateur Trainer, SC”
TRAINING TIPS – Your Bird Dog Will Love
By Martha Greenlee – Hard Cover, Special Bound 5"x7"
“This book is loaded with good information about bird dog training not found elsewhere. - John Rogers, Bird Dog Trainer, OH”
BRITTANY TALES – Best of Dogs, Best of Times
By William McClure (with contributions by Kathryn McClure) – Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
“All of our gun dogs have made life’s journey a joyful experience in season and out, and I honor their memory with a recollection of being in the presence of indefatigable loyal, and courageous companions, I am a grateful man. – Bill McClure, Author, Hunter, Trainer, Handler - both field trial & show, who spent over 40 years with his beloved Brittanys.”
MAKE MINE IRISH – A Tribute to the Irish Setter
An Anthology Compiled & Edited by Gary Smith – Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
Each entry in this anthology is redolent with love for Irish Setters and all they have brought to both field and home, providing the reader with a comprehensive look at this breed's rich history and hunting prowess.